Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

The beginning of physics department originates from a small laboratory within the department of electrical engineering of the Ekaterinoslav Higher Mining School (EHMS).

In 1899. from the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, Semen Usaty (1875-1941), who was appointed acting professor of physics, was invited to work at EHMS. In school he worked in 1900 1902.

Semen Usaty organized a laboratory of physics and electrical engineering, developed and published lecture notes on physics and thermodynamics. Summaries of his lectures are carefully stored in the in the University Library. He was not only a great lecturer, but also a good understanding of young people, able to awaken her interest in scientific research.

Later, working at the Simferopol University, he discovered for science I.V. Kurchatov - a famous physicist, organizer of national nuclear science.


The photo shows the building No. 2 in 1905, a view from the present corps. № 7. On the second floor of this building is traditionally located the Department of Physics. After the end of the Second World War in 1945, the third building was added to the building No. 2.

The Department of Physics was separated into an independent unit in 1903. In 1903-1918 the department was headed by Konstantin Kotelov. In 1907 the structure of the department was as follows: the head - a professor, two assistants, a mechanic and an employee. The lecturers of the department gave the following courses of lectures: laws of conservation of energy, heat, electric current, optics, optics of crystals, and also conducted classes in a physical workshop (in the 1st year - eight works in mechanics, heat and light, in the 2nd course - five works on electricity)

Despite the fact that the department experienced difficulties at the time with equipping laboratories with the necessary tools, methodological and educational literature (329 devices, 73 tools, 163 books were used in the teaching process), the department staff not only provided the educational process but also engaged in the scientific process work, maintaining scientific links with foreign scientists.

Yes, through prof. K. Kotelov, an eminent physicist, founder of the doctrine of radioactivity Maria Sklodowska-Curie presented a preparation of radium bromide as a gift to CVGU. This unique drug, having survived the evacuation during World War II, has been stored at the department until the present.

Scientists department investigated ionization of gases by cosmic radiation. In 1911 1912. Department staff conducted meteorological observations for the ionization of air due to a total solar eclipse and the passage of the Morhauz comet. These observations involved students L.D.Shevyakov (later Academician) and K.A.Skrynnikov (later Fellow Department of Physics, who gave a half-century case studies of many generations of mining engineers, and he especially proved to be a lecture demonstrator qualifications).

In 1918-1923 the department was headed by prof. Georgy Evreinov. The department's staff has expanded somewhat. The lectures were delivered by teachers N.Malov, G.Burov, M. Rudnitsky, E. Skublevsky. After the Civil War, the department experienced considerable difficulties in logistical support. Some of the devices that were purchased during the establishment of the department were out of order, the library was not replenished, the magazines were not discharged, and funds for the maintenance of the physical office were not released. After the school was transformed into a Mining Institute, much more was done to establish the physical cabinet and laboratories of the department.

In 1923, the department was headed by Andrew E. Malinovsky (1887 – 1937), who invariably directed it until 1937. The son of a village doctor, he brilliantly graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Kiev University, receiving a diploma of the 1st degree. When he was a student, A.Malinovsky received internships at world-renowned scientific centers in Germany at world-renowned scientists: at the laboratory of V.Rentgen at the University of Munich, at the department of theoretical physics of A.Zommerfeld of the same university. Subsequently, working in the laboratory of F. Paschen (University of Tübingen), a specialist in atomic spectroscopy and quantum radiation theory, and then in France in prof. P. Langevin, A. Malynovsky became a well-known specialist in the field of electronic theory. He could not fail to attract the attention of L.V. Pizarzhevsky, the eminent physicist and chemist of the founder of the department of electronic chemistry at the Mining institute, who also invited him to work.

All subsequent life of A.E. Malinovsky after 1923 was linked to the Mining institute. In the 20's, he shifted the center of his research to the experimental study of combustion and explosion processes and to questions related to the confirmation of the electronic theory of the electrical conductivity of metals. He proved the inability of the classical theory of calculation of the interaction of electrons and positive ions in metals, provided his explanation for this interaction, and clarified the theory of the experiments of Stewart and Tolman on the determination of the specific charge of the electron. The materials of the cycle of works on the electronic theory of the conductivity of metals were laid in the basis of the one defended by A.E. Malinovsky at the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1928. doctoral dissertation "On motion of conduction electrons".

In 1924 AE Malinowski discovered the effect of the influence of the electric field on the combustion processes, which was confirmed by scientists from Great Britain, the United States and Germany. However, the lack of the necessary equipment and an insufficient number of qualified physicists at the Mining institute forced him in 1923-1928 to be more involved in training scientific staff and updating the material base of the department.

The staff of the department intensively used the physical room not only for conducting classes, but also for scientific works compatible with students. In 1923 a student research group was organized, whose members independently solved some scientific questions in the field of electromagnetic waves. Existing laboratories were not enough, and A.E. Malinowski raised the question of expanding the cathedral premises. The additional space and strengthening of the material and technical base of the department allowed scientists to study thermoelectric effect in an explosive wave, as well as to consider some features of wireless telegraphy.

During this period should highlight the fruitful scientific work V.I. Danylov and F.A. Lavrov that while working lecturer. Then V.I. Danylov worked in Dnipropetrovsk Physical and technical Institute and in the field of x-ray description of liquids and crystallization theory he was awarded the State Prize of the USSR, in 1951 he was elected Academician of the Ukraine. F.A. Lavrov, later Dr. Sci. Science, continued his scientific work at the Leningrad Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR.

In 1937-1941 the department was headed by docent Konstantin O. Egorov, a physicist who graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Education in 1929, Candidate of Technical Sciences (1936), worked at the Institute in 1930-1941. Unfortunately, documents that would cover the activities of the department at that time, as well as during the Second World War, are missing.

In 1944-1953 the department was headed by Borys I. Naugolnikov, a physicist who graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Public Education in 1929, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1937), Assistant Professor (1939), worked at the Institute in 1930-1941 and 1943-1953; in 1953 moved to to work at Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology.

In 1953-1960 department was headed by Cyril T. Tkachenko (1904-1992), physicist, following the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Education in 1928., candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor (1947), the Institute worked in 1946 1970.

Postgraduate student of Professor A. Malynovsky, a born teacher and competent physicist, he proceeded from the assumption that physics is experimental in nature. That is why C.Tkachenko paid so much attention to equipping the department with demonstration experiments.

Created in those years by the hands of teaching masters K. Skrynnikov, P. Degtyar, M. Ignatovich, I. Kashcheev, V. Koreshchuk a unique classroom of lecture demonstrations and is one of the best among the technical ones so far Ukrainian universities. Even students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University began to study on the basis of the Department of Physics of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics, and for several years upgraded their qualifications as teachers of physics of the region, and lectured the students of physical classes.

The main task of post-war period was to restore the war-torn material resources department and its development to ensure the normal course of the educational process. In addressing this task generation has made an important contribution to veterans who were severe school of World War C.Tkachenko , V.Tverdohlyebov , V. Bezverhyy , M.Tretenko , C.Voloshenenko , V. Kirillov, B. Timan . In restoring labware much credit belongs educational masters M. Ihnatovychu and P. Dehtyaryu . M. Ihnatovych , for example, produced the finest thread suspension for ballistic galvanometer, P. Dehtyar could create , repair and adjust any physical device.

Gradually, the equipment of the laboratories was restored, and the educational process was being adjusted. At the same time, research work was developing, from the materials of which the candidate's theses B. Timan and V. Tverdohlebov defended.

In 1960-1991 the department was headed by Vasyl Tverdokhlebov (1920-1991), physicist-spectroscopist, who graduated from Dnepropetrovsk State University in 1949, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1969), professor (1971), worked at the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute in 1950-1991. His work was related to the Department of Physics at DMI, where he started working after graduation. While working as an assistant, V. Tverdohlebov was engaged in scientific research under the guidance of one of the students of A. Malynovsky, professor of the optics department of the State University of V. Rosikhin. In the tradition of the Department of Physics, the oldest university in Ukraine taught a course of physics at a high scientific and methodological level.

Professor V.Tverdohlyebov continued this tradition, zeroing staff to find more effective ways of teaching , the careful selection of materials , clarity of presentation , in contact with specific and general engineering departments. Physics course that was read to students-miners , continuously updated, was set in line with the needs reinforcement of basic training. Managed V.Tverdohlyebov department was equipped with many modern physical instruments , educational laboratory equipment replenished . Lecture hall chair has become a modern look.

Much attention is paid V.Tverdohlyebov education students, he went himself has repeatedly led student groups for agricultural.

One of the merits V.Tverdohlyebov was to create a strong team at the department faculty. In the 60 years significantly increased the number of the department, which was associated with an increase in the number of students. The course began teaching physics for many students external students, and students of general technical faculty. For some time the Department outlining discipline "Application of Atomic Energy in the economy".

In the period 1960-1980 a whole galaxy of highly qualified teachers passed through the department. The graduates of the Institute gratefully recall the lectures of the senior teacher Alexander V. Kurylenko (1930-1994), who worked at the institute during the period 1954-1992. It was a talented teacher, an encyclopedically educated person. Young employees contacted A. Kurylenko, who willingly helped to solve a physical problem of any complexity. He was highly respected among staff and students. The students respected A. Kurylenko for his special humanity in their attitude towards them.

The lectures of Associate Professor O. Galemina (then Professor, Head of the Department of the State University) were listened to by the students of the Mining Faculty.

Associate Professor V. Bezverkhy (1919-1982) worked at the Mining Institute since 1954. During the period 1964-1966 he taught physics at Phnom Penh Polytechnic University (Cambodia) and was awarded the Order of Cambodia.

The senior teacher M. Tretenko was remembered by many graduates for his demanding, careful and exceptional honesty.

Production workers students were well aware of the lectures of the senior teacher V. Kirillov, associate professor V. Bobil.

Assistant I. Zhuravlev later became Assistant Professor of the Department of Geophysical Methods of Intelligence of our University, Assistant N. Dolinina - Assistant Professor of the State University, Assistant M. Chirkin - Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Physics of Khmelnytsky Institute of Domestic Service.

Assistant O. Ryazantsev - Assistant Professor, Head. Department of Physics of the Dneprodzerzhinsk Industrial Institute,

Assistant S.Polyakov - Professor, Head of Physics Department, Cherkasy Institute of Technology, Associate Professor V.Popov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of the Geological Center for Information Technology, Rostov-on-Don.

For about 40 years he worked as an assistant to K. Voloshenenko. Like no other, he knew all the intricacies of physical practicum, his work went flawlessly. K.Voloshenenko has a shortage of researchers, has created several works that are still being done by students. Assistants MI Pogreb, YG Svinukhov, OG Berzin, VV Shybka, SS Klyuchny, AG Rozhkova, FFYurchenko worked fruitfully, and assistants V.V. Shumrikov, OM Kuznetsov, OI Denysenko, MG Pateyuk, VB Odnorozhenko later defended their dissertations.

No exaggeration to say that the department of physics was a kind of "cradle frame" for universities in Ukraine.

During this period, opened the department of physics at Chervonoarmiisk branch DMI, and Department of Physics of Faculty of General Engineering at Alexandria DMI. In the formation of these departments played a significant role A.D.Sorokin, defended his thesis after graduate school DMI (supervisor prof. S.H.Borysenko) and I.P.Garkusha, defended his thesis after graduate school at the Central Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy in Moscow (supervisor prof. B.Ya.Lyubov).

Since 1991 department manages Garkusha Igor P., a theoretical physicist who graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk State University in 1959, Candidate of Sciences (1965), Associate Professor (1969), Professor (1996), working at the Institute since October 1962.

As part of the Department in 1997-1998 academic year worked: Professor I.P.Garkusha (since 1962 ) , associate professor L.I.Bartashevska (from 1971. ) L.M.Hlushko (since 1963) , AS Zaitsev (since 1969) O.I.Lyutyy (since 1978) L.F.Mostypan (since 1989. ) M.Sh.Pevzner (since 1962) N.O.Yakunina ( since 1974). senior teachers L.A.Kovalenko (from 1963. ) V.P.Kurinnyy (since 1977. ) N.M.Lopatina (since 1971) O.I.Sabokar (since 1977. ) M.D.Solopov (from 1971 .) assistants T.V.Bohanchenko (from 1978) N.L.Kurnat (since 1985) V.M.Mandrykevych (since 1987). L.P.Nalbandyan (since 1971) Ye.O.Yakunin (since 1993),graduate student M.O.Zhuravlov (since 1995) Head of Laboratory I.M.Kapshuk (since 1988) N.H.Yanchenko (since 1994), senior laboratory assistant T.V.Kahalovska (since 1991) , N. Ye.Litvinova (since 1993) V.I.Tryhub (since 1995) L.V.Hlestun (since 1986) I.A.Shapovalova (since 1994) I.M.Shtanko (from 1992) Senior Researcher M.K.Zhuravlov engineers O.F.Polityka , S.N.Ivanyutin .

In the department in the 2019-2020 academic year worked: Head of the Department Professor I.P. Garkusha, Professors V.P. Kurinny, M.S.Pevzner; Associate Professors L.I. Bartashevskaya, T. E. Voronko, A.S.Zaytsev, A.O. Ostapenko, E.O. Yakunin; senior lecturers M.O. Zhuravlev, N.L. Kurnat, T.V. Morozova, V.M.Mandrikevich, A.V.Podliatka; lecturer N.G. Yanchenko; senior laboratory assistants, M.K. Zhuravlev, L.G. Kamenskaya, T.V. Tyutyunnik, L.V. Khlestun.



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