Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Areas of scientific activity

1. The main direction of scientific work of the Department of Physics was established in the 1930s by one of the founders of the department Professor A.E. Malinovsky - experimental study of combustion processes.

A.E. Malynovsky was a world-renowned scientist in the field of electronic theory. In due course, he worked under the direction of world-renowned scientists: in the laboratory of W. Rentgen and in the department of theoretical physics of A. Sommerfeld at the University of Munich (Germany), in the laboratory of F Pashen a specialist in the field of atomic spectroscopy and quantum radiation theory in the University of Tubingen. Germany, studied the conductivity of gases in the laboratory of the outstanding physicist P. Langevin (France).

2. The second area of research is the destruction and damaging of rocks during an explosion and the development of methods of controlling the process of destruction;

3. The third is quantum field theory in the case of nonzero temperatures;

4. The fourth is the physics of dielectrics and semiconductors, metal physics.

The department also carries out a single for all teachers state budget research work "Scientific bases of methodical support of electronic laboratory works of a physical practicum in the system of distance education". Main stages:

· Substantiation of formation of content and technology of laboratory physical workshop in the system of distance education.

· Development of manuals for laboratory work in mechanics and molecular physics.

· Development of manuals for laboratory work on electricity and magnetism.

· Development of methodological manuals for laboratory work on oscillations and quantum physics.



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