Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

The main form of work is to involve students in research, which is expressed:

  • Students performed research in the direction of research performed at the Department, followed by publication in scientific journals;
  • In a speech at the annual student scientific conferences within a week of student science, physics section;
  • to participate in student competitions in physics;
  • in organizing and conducting competitions in physics, every year in March;
  • with the direct participation of the students in the development and improvement of manuals, guidelines for laboratory work, homework, lecture, collections problems with solutions;
  • in direct student participation in the development and manufacture of new research lecture demonstration devices.

Research work of students at the Department of Physics conducted in the following areas:

1) preparation for participation in the second stage of Ukrainian Student Olympiad on discipline physics;

2) participate in research and scientific and technical work of the department.

II year student ETF AE Yakunin (supervisor Assoc. February OI), participating in the second phase of nationwide student competition on the subject "Physics", came out in the second round of the competition, during which took place 6-7.

Under the supervision of Assoc. Ostapenko, A. actively involved in research work are students HRF Ananchenko O. (formation of block registration EGD -flow ) Zubco EG (formation of the high- voltage source ) Hotvyanskyy VG (formation of the new Tesla transformer ), Rovno OO (design and installation inofonu ); Maksymenko (design and installation of low - and high- voltage sources , the development of butt computer devices and computer stand) . Studies made ​​by these students were issued in the form of regular reports on the scientific and technical student conference NSU ( Physics Section , April, 2011. Dnipropetrovsk).

Under the guidance of prof. Mischaninova SK student group HLhr10 3 Pavlova YD performing work on the physics of rocks and geomechanics, she is co-author of the report "Thermodynamic processes in the rock mass and its long-term stability" at the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Prospects for development of underground space"; Pavlova YD also co-directed for publication in "Science Bulletin SHEE NMU" article "Modeling the release of methane from coal seam while driving a combine."

Under the supervision of Assoc. February OI and Assoc. Glushko L.N students I rate ETF Music NS Kaystrya VD worked to further study the equation of state of real gas theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena. The results of student research issued a report at the next scientific and technical student conference NSU ( Physics Section , April, 2011. Dnepropetrovsk) , and used when writing the textbook "Elements of statistical thermodynamics in physics course " (by Glushko LN, February OI, Ostapenko, AA ), which is under preparation for publication , published by RICK NMU.

Under the guidance of prof. M. S. Pevzner student course I DNU Pevzner OO completed work " Movement zaryazhennoy particles in the field zazemlnnoy sphere ," which was published in collaboration ( Proceedings of universities. 39-44 Physics , (12) , 2010). Students of Akita 09 Faculty of Information Technology VU Ananchenko and AV Suschevskyy during the current academic year have been actively involved in research work of the Department of Physics. In particular , these students are co-authors of papers at two international conferences: "On relativistic fermions in spherically symmetric rectangular potential well of finite depth in the space of two measurements " (XII International Scientific Conference "Man and Space " , Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk, 2011). , " chiral symmetry breaking in QED and E levels relativistic fermion in a spherical plane finite hole depth near the upper boundary of the continuum " (International conference of students and young researchers in theoretical and experimental physics EUREKA - 2011 , Lviv, Luhansk , 2011.) and report "On fermion energy levels of spherically symmetric planar finite pit depth around the boundary of continuous continuum " at the IX National Scientific conference of Students and Young Scientists "Theoretical and Applied Problems of physics, Mathematics and Informatics " ( Kyiv , KPI , Physico -Technical Institute , 2011.) At the last conference report VY Ananchenko and AV Suschevskoho awarded an honorary diploma . The results of these students in collaboration with the staff of the department or sent for publication in specialized foreign editions in two articles: " Relyatyvystskyy fermyon in pryamouholnoy sferychesky symmetrychnoy potentsyalnoy yame konechnoy extra depth in space two measurements ," "On the Energy Levels relyatyvystskoho fermyona in pryamouholnoy sferychesky symmetrychnoy potentsyalnoy yame konechnoy extra depth in space two measurements . "



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